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07/19/18 1:46 PM

#22008 RE: $hellKing #22006

GETH could be a push coming later with that big 600k drop.imo not sure but got some anyways jic. could be wrong on it. but who bids 600k and gets filled that quickly? Seems set up to me. it could be a while before they do it though....


07/19/18 1:51 PM

#22010 RE: $hellKing #22006

AL_DA not really sure its a buy. 2s would of been better but been watching it for years and there are hardly any shares available. Heck the ask stayed the same for like 5 years I think

As of April 2, 2018, the Registrant had 2,458,590 shares of common stock and no shares of preferred stock outstanding.

Could hope for a Forward Split later on. They probably should do one with insiders owning most shares

From recent 10k

80% + 6.2%+ 6.2% = 92.4% so not too shabby. Someone was buying some recently so maybe they can get it to $10.00 or something crazy. If stocks like AI_KO can do crazy things others out there could too.

IF it can go back to 6.00 would be little easy 50% gainer from here.imo