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10/24/06 1:16 AM

#27241 RE: momentumtrader #27240

Hey Momentum, thanks for your post.

I would love to be a part of a short squeeze here. It seems possible that the short position is large. Gagged TA and a newbie CEO and delayed financials have given them plenty of reason to short this stock. But the fundamentals remain IMO. Cash producing company with intent to burn the shorts with financials (could take awhile) and maybe NOBO list or cash dividend combined with buyback and I doubt they are selling into this! The buyback is sucking up shares...

I don't know who the apparent dumping is but it could be NSS. Don't know who else it could be but that possibility remains (the mystery seller). I'm no expert in NSS like your aquaintence, but regardless, this remains undervalued. So the question is, will it find it's way back to the correct valuation? I vote 'yes', eventually. So I'll buy as funds appear.

Who knows, maybe we'll strike oil here sooner than anyone expects!



10/24/06 2:38 AM

#27242 RE: momentumtrader #27240


Thanks for the well thought and written post. You have restated what PBLS management has been telling us for the last year and the buyback you participated in is another verification of the claims PBLS has repeatedly made to shareholders.
I talked to E-Trade last week about the NSS problem and they assured me it is very real. They called yesterday to verify a transaction and today issued a press release stating that they have reduced fraud to nearly zero in the last three weeks after recently losing and covering 15 million dollars due to fraudulent short trading.
It may take some time to correct the problem due to overseas short traders but nothing will resolve the problem quicker than brokerages that are losing money.
It appears that you have done your DD regarding PBLS and are confident that we will see a reversal. I believe you are correct that there has been little selling under .03 as most posting are buying.
There are so many indications that PBLS is successful and so few to the contrary that is difficult to accept some of the negativity posted here.

Yes...... a huge short squeeze would be a fine reward for those hanging by a fingernail.


10/24/06 8:49 AM

#27245 RE: momentumtrader #27240


my friend.... if you are talking to a "senor person" at sedona in relation to this mess .... you sir have no idea... sedona management is the problem.... I have been associated with that mess /sdna for over 11 years... know the situation and many of the players... they didn't have a clue and still don't.... as to your naked shorting short squeeze my friend, sdna never had one either and never will... I could go on... but I will bet the ranch that you talked to mike mulshine.... wrong person to talk to... he sees naked ones everywhere and uses that as an excuse for all of poor managements decisions in all the shorted companys he has "invested in"... I could go on and on and on.... mulshine is , nice guy, means well but... if you are talking to the IR guy, forget about it... same with marco and on and on.... "our little gem", pbls has a management problem , plain and simple... just like sdna that is were the issue stops.... the only thing now that needs to be done is ungag, and file the 10 , give a dividend, change exchanges with new name and stop being a buy , buy and buy somemore candy story management team buying all the bling, bling in the window.... consolidate and rid the bad buys from the company .... transparency plain and simple will change our future... all in my opinion of course with knowledge of the sdna situation...



10/24/06 8:49 AM

#27246 RE: momentumtrader #27240

dont forget most pinks and nasdq stock volume is double counted meaning the buyer and the seller report the trade. It might change some of your figures.


10/24/06 1:56 PM

#27275 RE: momentumtrader #27240

Momentumtrader-thanks for your synopsis!

I haven't checked in with this board for several weeks and was looking for a short quick insight to what the heck is going on.

Best Regards,