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07/19/18 10:43 AM

#12041 RE: kr26 #12039

You do state the facts of the market as Chaya has also stated.
As for hot air, my brother used to do "beta testing" for the bank he worked for. He told me, back then, some 15-20 years ago during his working years, it would take over a year to test out some products. THIS IS FACT.
Since The Card developed by Smartmetric has only been available much less than a year it seems to me no bank would or could make a commitment to purchase....however it does seem there are some purchasers of The Card who are interested in it. And before you tell me The Card has been in testing for years let me remind you that previous testing was by a card network company, not a card purchaser.
As for your critical comments:
The company has potential purchasers talking with it;
Your personal attack regarding Chaya is without basis---and will you make an apology to her when The Card is out in the public domain and the share price is in the dollars?
The North American distributor of The Card of Smartmetric, ProTek, has stated that it works.
And there obviously is a market since a university has already acquired The Card...

How do know what Chaya's bank account looks like?
And finally, I believe MC has partnered with ZWipe...been over a year now. Ask MC how that's going? I would like to acquire one myself.