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10/23/06 11:10 PM

#8132 RE: TopHat #8130

Tophat, I don't know if you read the article, but no where in there does it state that this 8% loss rule is a direct quote by Warren Buffet or his own personal recommendation.

I realize that this may be information from Investors Business Daily...but this rule is part of their 20 investment rules they have,which includes...

9. Buy stocks with a Composite Rating of 90 or more and a Relative Price Strength Rating of 85 or higher in the IBD SmartSelect® Corporate Ratings

11. Buy mostly in the top six broad industry sectors in IBD’s New High List.

Need I say more...allie

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10/23/06 11:13 PM

#8133 RE: TopHat #8130

Yeah great Tophat. You say Buffet is a God, but you say that his great wisdom doesn't apply to pinks. Except of course his advice, and any rational traders advice, is not to buy and hold pinks for the long term. In fact Buffet would say to never, ever, invest in a pink, even as a daytrade. I wonder how many shares Buffet owns of SPZI LOL.

You say Buffet is a God, but his loss rule doesn't apply to pinks for one reason only: He would never, ever suggest investing in one, especially to hold for a long term. It has been proven again and again that one stands a better chance of winning at Lotto than one does of investing and holding in a pinksheet stock. That's millions to one.

It is absolutely hysterical to suggest that someone with an "agenda" would have the absolute gall to suggest that holding a pink long term is generally a bad idea.

OK, to cut this short, cuz I don't have time for this kind of BS discussion, you say:

"The real way to make money in pinks is to find a real company with real prospects to make real money and to sit on it for a year or two or more"

OK. Maybe you are right. Maybe I am missing something. I am actually a bit positive on SPZI right now that we have seen some decent response on the spooz "blog" after a week of seeing he stock cut in half and less. One more time, you say:

"The real way to make money in pinks is to find a real company with real prospects to make real money and to sit on it for a year or two or more."

How have Spooz investors done sitting on this stock for a year or two so far? Maybe you mean a year or three, or four? Last I checked it's down from a dollar per share to .006, let's say, per share.

So that's your statement. Let's see your DD. In the next 24 hours, please post a pink sheet stock chart that shows that it was a great investment to hold for, let's say, two years. And let's see that chart ending with not the highest ever possible price, but the price it ended at today, or yesterday, or similar. Please show a chart that shows how investing in a pinksheet stock for two years shows that it was a great investment, and that the recent high was not simply a result of a group pump soon to be dumped.

I'm all ears and eyes. Have at it. Let's go. Show us one chart, but preferably show us three, since you seem to claim it is such a common and easy way to make money on pinks. All you have to do is find a real company with real prospects, right. Easy, huh. This request has nothing to do with SPZI, it has to do with you saying:

"The real way to make money in pinks is to find a real company with real prospects to make real money and to sit on it for a year or two or more"

Since you are so confident in that statement, it should be extremely easy to show your evidence, your "dd". You must have several of those pinksheet stocks just at the tip of your tongue to be able to make such a statement. 24 hours should be no problem. Have at it. I would be gratified to see such DD, and I will issue to you a formal apology if you can post three such charts. I honestly will do so.

By the way, this post of mine, once again, has nothing to do with SPZI, it has to do with a poster on this board posting speculation and unverifiable information, which I would be perfetly glad to see verified. I have nothing against SPZI at the moment. Your post is off-topic about the wisdom and methodology of investing in pinks long term. Go ahead, Let's roll, my friend.

And by the same turn, if you cannot do so, or refuse to do so, I expect you will retract your statement about how it is good to invest in pinksheets for 2 years, and I will expect an apology to this board for your misstatements in return.

If you don't think that's a fair bargain, I'd be gratified to know exactly why.