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Replies to #959 on SPYR Inc (SPYR)


07/18/18 10:57 AM

#960 RE: JakeF1972 #959

Not giving away stock... compensation.
Not losing 16 million... expenses.
Development companies aways,ALWAYS burn.
Do you really always have to misrepresent this company?


07/18/18 12:39 PM

#961 RE: JakeF1972 #959

By your own words you don't own the stock, why are you here? You obviously have an agenda, what might that be? Do you have a savior complex, Think you are the Messhia come to save me from MY choices? Do you have a grudge against someone associated with SPYR, or are you just a hack sent out to help with the short position. Everyone here can read, everyone here has seen the filing, everyone here has made their own decision to move on or stay. Whats the point of your continued screaming from the rooftops? I believe Gertrude said it best, "The man doth protest to much, me thinks"