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wolvman jack

10/24/06 2:00 PM

#96 RE: wolvman jack #95

N'est Pas
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wolvman jack

10/24/06 3:37 PM

#97 RE: wolvman jack #95

I go to church and people ask me to go to the alter,but hell I haven't sinned.Don't that acount for anything?
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wolvman jack

10/24/06 5:48 PM

#98 RE: wolvman jack #95

I know that I've got to get rid of some shares if it was to go up into the 20's again.I might have been misled.I hope not.
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wolvman jack

10/24/06 7:02 PM

#99 RE: wolvman jack #95

I know a company that had a full pipeline a few years ago and afterwards thier stock went down for a good while,then rebounded in force.WOLV said their sells pipeline was the fullest in the history of the company.I just wonder if the selling is over,Hope so.hope it's the same outcome.
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wolvman jack

10/25/06 2:34 AM

#100 RE: wolvman jack #95

I might have unintentionally sinned.I owe a debt,but I will sell most Of my shares in the comeing days,if we could just get some volume to the upside. I would start at.20.
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wolvman jack

10/25/06 2:48 AM

#101 RE: wolvman jack #95

I will never own this much of one stock again.
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wolvman jack

10/25/06 3:31 AM

#103 RE: wolvman jack #95

Ive been such a dumb a$$
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wolvman jack

10/25/06 4:28 PM

#110 RE: wolvman jack #95

I like ROHI {roy} myself!
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wolvman jack

10/25/06 4:29 PM

#111 RE: wolvman jack #95

I like ROHI {roy} myself!
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wolvman jack

10/27/06 2:19 PM

#125 RE: wolvman jack #95

I am going to put my life back to gather and foget it. I know you hear every sound and watch everything that I do in my house.I don't let it bother me.BYE
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wolvman jack

10/27/06 9:39 PM

#126 RE: wolvman jack #95

It just hit me.Walter said "We will be PROFITABLE in 2006".
Does that mean he's going to be a PROFIT the rest of the year?
Hammer, you need to talk to me face to face.The last time you made me sell at bottom then stock went to $30.that's why I am confused.If you would look me in the eye,I would have no more problems and Netwolves want have a bigger problem in the future;even if it does cost me my life.The last words you ever spoke to me was that one day you would give me a call from a restaurant, I believe it was,and would tell me.NOW is the time 4 all to come to the aide of thier country [company].You all have laught at me so much over the many years,can't you see why that I am being so hard to deal with.If I knew wolv was goig up,but you think I will show too much profit,then I will sell as much as you tell me to. If its really going to be a controlled death then I do need to sell it.
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wolvman jack

10/28/06 7:37 AM

#127 RE: wolvman jack #95

Cash flow positve last march,and walter said they axually were.
where did the cash flow go.
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wolvman jack

10/28/06 7:59 AM

#128 RE: wolvman jack #95

fore-tune 5oo ranked [armed and ready] at might be telling the truth for a change change.I'm just hanging by a thread.I might load up on Mobe.

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wolvman jack

10/28/06 9:03 AM

#129 RE: wolvman jack #95

Will scoop monday,every single share and just count on believing.I found a stock that I hate.It's bpg. I,m in at1.25
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wolvman jack

10/28/06 12:59 PM

#130 RE: wolvman jack #95

I have got to clean my god damn life up,this board is my life.Hanging by a thread.THANKS
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wolvman jack

10/28/06 1:03 PM

#131 RE: wolvman jack #95

I promise I will never stop talking!!
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wolvman jack

10/29/06 7:25 AM

#133 RE: wolvman jack #95

Just got back in fom emptying my mouse traps in my dog house;It's like somebody turned a ton of them loose in there,but I can't seem to catch them all.I wish some one would invent a better mouse trap.Sorry about putting my personal problems on this board,this is a WOLV board and I need to keep it that way.wolv is going to go. I can here the howl.
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wolvman jack

10/29/06 5:40 PM

#137 RE: wolvman jack #95

I bought some BPG.Anyone have any suggestions where to set a stop loss?
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wolvman jack

10/31/06 6:49 AM

#139 RE: wolvman jack #95

I am going to sell today.if you give me a chance to.
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wolvman jack

10/31/06 11:44 AM

#140 RE: wolvman jack #95

you got your stock back.the rest can go either down or up
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wolvman jack

11/02/06 8:06 AM

#141 RE: wolvman jack #95

I will have to wait and see.I had to know if everybody is here.
They are.Do with me what ever you need to.I'm not risking my families lives,they are all good people.
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wolvman jack

11/02/06 4:47 PM

#142 RE: wolvman jack #95

I think I'm being set up
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wolvman jack

11/03/06 1:29 PM

#145 RE: wolvman jack #95

I would open an online account ,but I guess I've been given the boot{4 no reason}.If we ever get a run in the opposite way I will sell.Til then it can go to 0
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wolvman jack

11/03/06 6:18 PM

#146 RE: wolvman jack #95

the threats just keep comeing.and you ask yourself,WHY?
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wolvman jack

11/03/06 7:30 PM

#147 RE: wolvman jack #95

I know where the company losses came from.They were all shell companies.
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wolvman jack

11/04/06 7:04 AM

#149 RE: wolvman jack #95

I made a great contribution when I put my Property up for sale{advertisement bus.}Ive finally Got IT.They are not going to sell my property.This is great.If IT doesn't sell.I think I will Buy more points for the future.I will sale as much of my stock as I need to and try to recover my losses. If WOLV could just make a bounce. I will do what I need to do.I'm going to call my girl friend this afternoon.I think I need to do some more advertiseing in future.I'm sorry I'm so slow,but think of the pressure that's been on me.
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wolvman jack

11/04/06 8:29 AM

#150 RE: wolvman jack #95

not same old same old.I need help
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wolvman jack

11/04/06 11:34 AM

#153 RE: wolvman jack #95

can reeel help me?
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wolvman jack

11/04/06 11:49 AM

#154 RE: wolvman jack #95

Ihope to buy some siri next week.
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wolvman jack

11/05/06 1:45 PM

#155 RE: wolvman jack #95

Things might work out between me and my girl friend,but I am going to get my own credit card, my own bank account,and P.O. Box #.
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wolvman jack

11/10/06 7:54 AM

#156 RE: wolvman jack #95

Come on K.W.,I need to talk to you.Come and tell me which way to turn.
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wolvman jack

11/12/06 10:23 AM

#157 RE: wolvman jack #95

to live is evil
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wolvman jack

11/13/06 8:50 AM

#158 RE: wolvman jack #95

can you post on fairfield?
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wolvman jack

11/14/06 6:17 PM

#159 RE: wolvman jack #95

I have no idea what I did wrong
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wolvman jack

11/15/06 6:55 AM

#160 RE: wolvman jack #95

!'m cofused,1st I'm suppose to watch for volume .Then I'm suppose leave.I will try to buy stock this morning then I'm going to the lake.

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wolvman jack

11/18/06 10:33 AM

#163 RE: wolvman jack #95

papers mean nothing to me.I just can't take all the threats.Hammer,can't you come to me.If not,why not just leave me alone.I don't understand and don't mean any harm to anyone.I just worry about the safty of my family.Please
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wolvman jack

11/22/06 10:47 AM

#164 RE: wolvman jack #95

can you tell me if Netwolves is a real company or a shell game?no harm intended.
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wolvman jack

11/24/06 4:37 PM

#165 RE: wolvman jack #95

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wolvman jack

11/25/06 5:42 PM

#166 RE: wolvman jack #95

I was supose to buy uwnk.My brain has been through to much and is too slow.
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wolvman jack

11/29/06 11:06 AM

#167 RE: wolvman jack #95

seems I learn more each day.If I do well.I'm going to buy more time shares and shred all.
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wolvman jack

12/22/06 12:05 PM

#170 RE: wolvman jack #95

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wolvman jack

01/08/07 12:14 PM

#173 RE: wolvman jack #95

ESCL saving grace
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wolvman jack

01/08/07 12:23 PM

#174 RE: wolvman jack #95

8x8 reports growth and the Tango!!
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wolvman jack

01/10/07 12:37 PM

#176 RE: wolvman jack #95

Peter told me over a year ago that their sales people were hitting on all cylinders.I guess he really ment it.Walter,sr. told me not long ago that they had gotten rid of some sales people.I think thats probbly good,might you think?

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wolvman jack

01/18/07 9:19 AM

#177 RE: wolvman jack #95

I didn't know that Frank was aleader, but I might follow him now!!
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wolvman jack

03/05/07 5:44 PM

#183 RE: wolvman jack #95

I will sell my wolv at $5 a share or get it some other way.Might be able to sell straight to the company who knows?
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wolvman jack

03/06/07 5:53 PM

#184 RE: wolvman jack #95

something good better happen soon,PEACE
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wolvman jack

05/11/07 4:48 PM

#185 RE: wolvman jack #95

seems I've been had on ever stock that I've bought.E ven PPHM said this was an exCitEing quarter
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wolvman jack

05/12/07 9:45 AM

#186 RE: wolvman jack #95

A SWORN OATH.I will stay off all message boards if I can have my VACACTION FRIEND Rieck!What thou say?
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wolvman jack

05/13/07 11:09 AM

#188 RE: wolvman jack #95

seems I get closer home today.I hope WOLV anounces earnings on tuesday with a conference call on wensday.I will be out on mon-day and thirstay.I think I have a Clue on Q.
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wolvman jack

05/16/07 4:05 PM

#190 RE: wolvman jack #95

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wolvman jack

05/17/07 11:23 AM

#191 RE: wolvman jack #95

I am a U.S. citizen and always pay my taxes.Sometimes I think I might be paying for everybody.Oh well,I'll TARYONO!!
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wolvman jack

05/17/07 7:26 PM

#192 RE: wolvman jack #95

I think I mentioned here before that I was going to OLD MISS.I'm thinking of transfering to Vandy.It seems to be a better school.I got my ticket to Indy race this year.Hope for Netwolves.
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wolvman jack

05/18/07 8:46 AM

#193 RE: wolvman jack #95

I'm on a trip in my new convertible and on line in NORTH CAROLINA.I am going to talk to my friend before getting back on the board.
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wolvman jack

05/22/07 10:04 AM

#195 RE: wolvman jack #95

A person should never call a company that they are invested in.It only bothers them at their work and might only be harmful.
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wolvman jack

05/24/07 5:51 PM

#196 RE: wolvman jack #95

Well,my fathers will was read and Hammer got a RAISIN.It just dawned on me from years back.I have ROTFALMAO!! That was pretty bad.
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wolvman jack

05/24/07 6:08 PM

#197 RE: wolvman jack #95

lot of things going on in Chi town these days.Ole Chicogo!!
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wolvman jack

05/24/07 6:08 PM

#198 RE: wolvman jack #95

lot of things going on in Chi town these days.Ole Chicogo!!
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wolvman jack

05/24/07 6:08 PM

#199 RE: wolvman jack #95

lot of things going on in Chi town these days.Ole Chicogo!!
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wolvman jack

05/24/07 6:08 PM

#200 RE: wolvman jack #95

lot of things going on in Chi town these days.Ole Chicogo!!
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wolvman jack

05/25/07 4:28 PM

#201 RE: wolvman jack #95

I'm thinking about options,calls, and puts.I don't know much about them but they could be important.I will inquire about them.It might be like a gay person comeing out of the closet for me.
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wolvman jack

06/05/07 7:10 PM

#205 RE: wolvman jack #95

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wolvman jack

06/09/07 7:22 AM

#206 RE: wolvman jack #95

I have to tell you what happened.Somebody stole a pistol from me some time ago.My crazy friend called me and said (Miss ye gun).You would have thought it was a machinegun to here him talk about it,though I know he will give it back.The crazy thing ask,do trees put out leafs in August?I told him it was according to which COUNTRY.He always gets things ass backwards anyway.I thought it was cute.He also had the balls to throw up to me about turning down a settlement of $50,000 and then ended up with nothing,He didn't know that I was hard headed and when I know I'M right I will fight to the end even if I get beat.

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wolvman jack

06/11/07 9:11 AM

#207 RE: wolvman jack #95

My niece was threatened last night by her adulterous huband named JODY,while he was with his new baby.If he causes her any more pain and suffering than he already has he will deal with me and it want be a good outcome,for him or me.
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wolvman jack

06/12/07 6:13 PM

#209 RE: wolvman jack #95

sounds like I made cursed mad.If I did,I didn;t want to do that.We are haveing a tough time here and Hammer just sits back and laughs.It's not funny when you don't know what or who to believe.I think WOLV is as good as FUEL isn't it?
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wolvman jack

06/13/07 11:20 AM

#210 RE: wolvman jack #95

I'm leaving for the beach on friday or satuarday,but I'm confused about leaving.
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wolvman jack

06/13/07 8:09 PM

#211 RE: wolvman jack #95

I would like to marry my girl friend if she will!
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wolvman jack

06/14/07 10:01 AM

#212 RE: wolvman jack #95

Just wondering,can you tell if this is a laptop I'm on?
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wolvman jack

06/15/07 1:04 PM

#213 RE: wolvman jack #95

would be hope if WOLV landed a huge contract.
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wolvman jack

06/15/07 8:46 PM

#214 RE: wolvman jack #95

The first time that I ever visited G.E.,the first man I met in the hall way was Jack Welch!
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wolvman jack

06/30/07 9:16 AM

#215 RE: wolvman jack #95

I've been down in my back and they tell me the gas well that I own is produceing too much gas for the pump,you ever heard of that?Oh,wolv management stinks.sorry about the anger.I just get flushtraded when I'm all alone!
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wolvman jack

06/30/07 1:13 PM

#216 RE: wolvman jack #95

I feel like I'm doomed and damned.I don't know if I'm prey or ought to pray.
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wolvman jack

07/02/07 4:32 PM

#217 RE: wolvman jack #95

I'm as trustwothy as anyone on the boards.As far as honest%Idon't keep 2sets of books to hide monies from the family! I've decided that I will start laughing instead of letting my anger (which is a simptom of Chemical sensitivity} Take control.
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wolvman jack

07/02/07 5:00 PM

#218 RE: wolvman jack #95

I don't know whether to pay the debt colletors d.r.s. or not. you think I should? phone service.
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wolvman jack

07/02/07 7:31 PM

#219 RE: wolvman jack #95

I wonder if I paid more than the bill,would they issue a credit?
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wolvman jack

07/02/07 7:35 PM

#220 RE: wolvman jack #95

Mounting losses threaten NetWolves (Tue, May 15) Maybe they could start makeing money at some point being they have lost money for so long.
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wolvman jack

07/04/07 9:25 AM

#221 RE: wolvman jack #95

I had a bet with my friend.Now he says the bet was 10x the amount. I might go ahead and pay him being he's been a good friend.As they say what are friends for.
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wolvman jack

07/04/07 1:47 PM

#222 RE: wolvman jack #95