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07/17/18 10:58 AM

#22358 RE: Bradshmj10 #22357

Until I’ve made enough money


07/17/18 11:16 AM

#22360 RE: Bradshmj10 #22357

Treat this as a 2 year college of BYOC, with lots of learning experience.
Research and do DD on your own accord. Then based on what you found, come up with scenarios on how this will play out, taking into account pps, SS reduction, revenue, R/S, OTC momentum, Maxim investors, retail investors, acqs, buy out, etc.

Part of the fun is coming up with scenarios and readjusting as they play out, all along knowing you got a winner.

Asking everyone thier opinions, while might be beneficial short term, doesn't help you in the long run in education. BYOC is as rare as they come.

The learning experience here is fanominal, with the added monetary value, an added bonus;-)