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07/16/18 11:07 PM

#75297 RE: James salmon #75284

That's interesting that Tony never make the effort to speak to you. Ken seems to genuinely have shareholder interest at heart, and I always said his first steps to reduce headcount etc. were positive. He must realize he has a diamond in the rough with ADXS and if he's able to deliver it will make him one of the stars and most sought after CEOs in the biotech world.


07/17/18 10:36 AM

#75324 RE: James salmon #75284

Salmon: "Dan had big plans for Advaxis which who knows how they would of played out if he had not been forced out."

uh, we know how Dan's plans worked out. Dan went off in 20 directions and didn't have proper funding for even one of them. Most of them (india, taiwan, canada) petered out and died like rats in the bushes. Combined with spending like a drunken sailor on a 100% bloated staff, Kathy Ireland interviews, and a factory that should have never been built, he managed to burn through $200m of capital without bringing a product to market. And he stole 4m RSUs to reward himself for his incompetence.

Anyone who gives him credit as a manager isnt a good judge of management ability.

"Ken seems focused on costs more than Dan" THANK GOD!!!

Ken realizes that a business with no revenues must have one primary focus: getting to revenues before the cash runs out.

From that strategic perspective, the strategy to follow becomes clear.

We have a fighting chance with Ken.