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10/26/06 11:45 AM

#6153 RE: VST7 #6121

Investo, I am going to attempt to break down your last message to me and answer it in a FACTUAL manner.
In message #6121 to me 10/23/2006 at 4:57:09, you wrote to me;

from what I read all I was doing was putting your statement into PERSPECTIVE.”

I would like to ask this; just what makes your perspective any more right than mine?

I made the statement that the A/S was actually 1 billion shares.

And you wrote this,
“ The A/S was Increased due to a Loan from Cornell Capital (Commander is Cornell), and the Loan never Materialized, in fact it was terminated, Now Michelex has "ALREADY PR'D THAT THEY ARE REDUCING THE A/S BACK DOWN TO 200 MIL, So please attempt to help me understand all the whining and carrying on about the A/S? Just because they haven't filed to lower it yet doesn't mean that they won't,”

First off; let me be very clear,,, I never said weather Michelex would or would not ever file a reduction. I simply stated that they had NOT filed the reduction and that a PR did not make a reduction so. As for why it was increased, I personally could give a rap. If they don’t need it then they should file to lower it.

You also wrote;
“ Just because they haven't filed to lower it yet doesn't mean that they won't, Michelex does not have a reputation for lying, being late? Yes, they are Guilty, but Lying? No, they've never lied to me and thats going on 2 years now.”

I would guess the above statement would depend on how one defines a lie.
For me a lie is when someone states something as a promise and then doesn’t do it.
Like if I tell you that I will post something for you and then never do it.
A lie is also a distortion of the facts. A lie is when you give your word and then break it. A lie is when some one misleads some one else.
So in my definition of a lie then Michelex has lied. By PR they stated that the filings would be in mid Sept. here it is the first of Nov. and we have NO filings. I won’t even go into what has been said to you or me by Tom G. over the phone that has not come about in the timely manner that he stated. By your definition of a lie, and per your own written word they have lied. You wrote Tom told you that there would be no dilution of the stock. When the T/A supposedly imposed a gag on their self we had an O/S of 84,543,537 shares, now by your own words,
“ The Outstanding Shares are only 92-105 Mil, Float of 35 Mil, they haven't issued a bunch of new shares, Tom Has kept his promise "NOT TO DILUTE THE STOCK" So whats the problem?”

Now let us take a look at distorted facts;
You wrote,
“ Many of the longs here are very much up to speed in their homework, so please make sure you know what your talking about before posting, because if you read our board policy, anyone posting "DISTORTED FACTS" WILL BE DELETED. Sometimes people think they know what they are talking about when in reality their INFO is a DISTORTION OF THE TRUTH.”

Ok back to definition 101. I would suppose a distortion would be in how you define a fact. If I happen to disagree with someone’s view of a statement, or have a different take on it and voice my belief of how it was meant that is simply a differing view of something NOT a distortion. Using your definition of distortion of facts then by very nature the information in the blue on the home page of the MLXO board is a “distortion of the facts”. It plainly states the following;
A/S 100,000,000 When in reality the A/S is 1 billion
O/S 84,543,537 When in reality it is between 92 and 105 million
Restricted 57,170,417 When in reality no one out here really knows (shares were issued to Tom G.’s brother for loan payment, per Tom G.)
Float 27,273,417 When according to you at least 8 million came off restriction and have been sold into the market.
Please note here; The above figures may or may not be correct or even in the ballpark as the T/A has a self-imposed gag and we can get no accurate factual figures.

You also wrote;
“And By the way, we don't BAN People for posting their opinions, it's more of the way they post them is what gets them into trouble, this is a Peaceful Board and will remain that way, all opinions are welcome, just make sure you have done your homework on MLXO Before opening your mouth here so you don't end up looking stupid, Many of the longs here are very much up to speed in their homework, so please make sure you know what your talking about before posting,”

As far as being a “long” I am probably one of the longest holders of MLXO on this board. Remember I have owned since long before the pre-split days. I went through the mandatory Cert pull and have averaged down 3 times and never sold a share. I have done my homework and based my findings on the FACTUAL information available. I do not buy into HYPE and B/S. So of my posts look “stupid” then the facts must be stupid. I watch some of the “longs” come on here and HYPE the stock and wonder how many newbies to the board are influenced by that hype. I post the things that I believe are true and factual in the hopes that those same newbies will do due diligence before buying into the hype.

You also wrote;
“ So please attempt to help me understand all the whining and carrying on”

I and a few others like Legalegaltx question our investments and I guess that you perceive the questioning as “whining”. I myself can only say that anyone that does not use their ability to question their investments as a part of their DD. Those people need to join some sort of a Jim Jones “Society” and wait for someone to hand them a glass of Kool-Aid.
I have been gone for several days and just got home; I wasn’t ducking your post. I see that nothing has changed with MLXO.

FYI; The filings will show up as filed on the SEC site the minute that the SEC receives them. The SEC neither approves nor disapproves them as they are filed. The filings are a sworn statement by the company and it’s auditors that the information is factual and true. Should an investigation come about for any reason the SEC then looks at the filings. This is how filings work. I just checked the SEC site and we have no filings as of yet.

This is all MVHO, FWIW and so on.