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07/15/18 11:17 PM

#106393 RE: DirtyDawg #106392

Did you here that jack hanks is gonna grow lemons on the property also. They are for all those who invest in mmex. He is also gonna give away free juicers.


07/15/18 11:18 PM

#106394 RE: DirtyDawg #106392

MMEX has accomplished nothing, aside from furtherance of its share-selling scheme.

MMEX has done all the work necessary to bring a refinery to Ft. Stockton.

All the ground and grunt work. The permits, the roads, etc.

Anyone who believes this outrageous, uninformed claim is delusional. In fact, significantly more work, including minor details like project financing, and the actual steps toward an infrastructure project are required.

In fact, MMEX has a single, now invalid permit, a Type O AQP from the TCEQ. The permit would require amendment, in order to add for operation things like the "forgotten" desalter. Caliche roads in Texas are common, cheap, and non-accomplishments in terrain like the Pecos County desert plot where MMEX mistakenly chose to land - an artifact of a sucker former landowner, willing to take warrants on MMEX shares instead of actual money.

Of course, MMEX is a prime candidate for a joint venture or buy-out.

An absolutely ludicrous claim - MMEX has nothing to "buy-out," and offers no value as a JV syndicate partner. Neither exit will ever happen for MMEX.

I think a joint venture would be more lucrative; however, Mr. Hanks might want to sell.

More hilarity - If Mad J. got a single red cent for MMEX, he would technically be coming out ahead - but with $40-mlllion in liabilities and losses, and billions of shares of dilution, everyone involved loses, never mind this scenario will never happen.

Either, the investors will benefit.

I know there are many here that just do not believe. Well, I have been a non-believer, and understand; however with MMEX, I do believe.

Perhaps 3 cents a share, perhaps 5 cents.

I will accept anything Mr. Hanks decides.

Wow.... just wow... Mad J., and the "true believers," truly a miracle (sarcasm intended) to behold...


07/15/18 11:31 PM

#106395 RE: DirtyDawg #106392

"I will accept anything Mr. Hanks decides."

Career crook. swindler, conman, and grifter JACK HANKS decides he will keep investor-victim munny and move on to his next con. As he always does.

Because JACK HANKS is all about conning investors ~OUTT of their munny.

It's what JACK HANKS does. It's who he is. He knows nothing else. 50+ years and over 26 investor swindles under his belt, and never built anything that was a sustainable business. Ever. Nott even once.

Oh, and crooked JACK HANKS is 73, nott 50!!!


07/16/18 12:55 PM

#106415 RE: DirtyDawg #106392

I will accept anything Mr. Hanks decides. /quote]

Wouldn't you rather base your decisions on facts rather than a very fallible human whom can't seem to raise the required capital. If jack hanks was any good or people trusted him then he would not need ALL THESE EXTREMELY TOXIC LOANS. The pps would not be in a continues decline, there would not be many many missed deadlines, there would not be a missed 20 million dollar "MAJOR" component.

If your car that you have had for 1 year, that you were convinced to buy from a shady dealership was making a horrible horrible noise would you "ignore the noise" or would you take it in and have it thoroughly examined and consider those facts rather then the guy on the street corner begging for money who has never worked on a car in his life but drove one once?

There are just too many things that don't add up. People keep saying risk reward, well that is exactly what the lotto people tell ya. "You can't win if you don't play" OR "it's only a dollar" , now two actually!