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07/14/18 11:32 AM

#16904 RE: KnightTrader66 #16901

I agree, and it’s not like they got the DIP at a payday loan store. Those lenders were okay with it because it meant that they would have a much better chance of getting the other money back. In bankruptcy or liquidation they might not have been paid back in full. This is looking like they will. Once again they can’t dilute in this process so they couldn’t give out a 100m shares either
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07/14/18 2:48 PM

#16938 RE: KnightTrader66 #16901

Exactly BIOAQ
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07/14/18 4:29 PM

#16954 RE: KnightTrader66 #16901

Just the patents, and research work to come leading to further patents across the board regarding all kinds of products, are hard to place a future value on today. [mrtacpans might have an opinion on this.] Keep in mind, potential buyers, if the company is sold, not restructured, tend to plan for the long term. A company like Cargill would likely have a 2yr, 5yr, and even 10yr plan covering everything from projecting states of the global economy to evaluating plans for expansion and introducing new products. Even if they would pay as little as $500M, BIOA's facilities and patents could/would form the basis of a multi-BILLION$$ operation within 5-10 years. Just my analysis.