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07/14/18 10:50 AM

#8555 RE: Buffalobob2199 #8554

BuffaloBob - there are tons of inferior products out there. And to a tee - the naysayers bring them up once in awhile to show how bad Arch is. Meaning they can't meet deadlines and are also being out-competed. And I don't mean to particularly get down on Divea…….

But then you look into it and for the most part have to roll your eyes.

It's all smoke.

Yet there are still people claiming Arch is nothing but in essence a shell company for people like Norchi to make money on their salary and supposed housing allowance.

They are pretty clueless.

I don't get excited over a product for animals that will make very little money. Look at that Management page. All the people there. And the manufacturing costs and distribution. None of these people have become multi-millionaires from this. It should be the first step in a long process. The big money comes later and they have no plan and the operation seems to be run by first-timers.

We will see.
It is put up or shut up time for Arch.
Meaning by the first of the year we should be much further down the road from where we are today.
Hopefully a successful skin trial and a FDA and possibly CE application.
Maybe even heard back from one. Hopefully an approval....

Where is that company that markets an animal product gonna be then..??

Regardless of Arch well they will probably still be stuck in the same mud they are today.

I wouldn't count on any trial data being released or applications being submitted for human use from them.
By the end of the year.
Much less a decision...….

We will see...………………………………………...