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07/13/18 7:31 PM

#38926 RE: tedro84 #38924

tedro, I thought the same thing several times since I read that tariffs would be placed. Trumps position is going to intentionally or unintentionally going to propel NioCorp in to the limelight.


07/13/18 7:40 PM

#38927 RE: tedro84 #38924

I for one was very happy to see tariffs on rare earths. Fundamentally I am against tariffs, but in a case where a foreign state controls the lions share of a critical substance and artificially lowers the market value to retain control of the market, tariffs can and will help to make a fair playing field.

The US lost it’s hold on REs due to China tanking the market value of REs, making it nearly impossible to make a profit mining them in the US. Over regulation just helped play into China’s hand.

I’m a lover of capitalism, but a free market can’t work on its own when China manipulates it.


07/14/18 5:53 AM

#38942 RE: tedro84 #38924

Thanks for sharing, Tedro!