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Imperial Whazoo

07/12/18 4:32 PM

#20053 RE: Steve021360 #20044

The group such as the swamp critters on the GNE advisory board that I listed in my earlier post was, IMHO, operating intentionally along several rules that were in place when the US inserted itself into both Kuwait & Iraq. A high percentage of US foreign policy wonks assert that, in order to best insure outcomes that are in the best interests of the US, direct US military involvement in the air and on the ground over there is a necessity. So, one may permit oneself to speculate that the swamp critters involved in GNE intended to manufacture an undeniable requirement that we have boots on the ground. In essence, the GNE find was to be a pry-bar with which to pry open the direct military involvement of US troops in Israel itself. Having seen what the US did in Iraq and in Afghanistan, I seriously doubt the Netan govt wanted the US in their country with boots on the ground. Again, look at Ezra 4.

I don't think the Netan govt wanted a liberal (socialist??) controlled US government to be boots on the ground in Israel & I think they debated long and hard among themselves before deciding to play possum with the GNE find so that the swamp critters did not create the basis for direct boots on the ground involvement (that was their hidden agenda and intent all along..... that, and actually make money.)

When the major find was found (ZN's wildcat at 7500 psi & 20000 foot deep in Israel itself), the chess board changed. When the spirit in the US electorate thrust the swamp critters out of the power positions they had long occupied and counted on continuing to occupy, the Israeli govt revisited the debate and we now have the deep state making war on ZN via underhanded influences at such bureaucracies as the SEC. Exactly what happened in Ezra 4, again.

The ZN find will not be permitted to be squandered by the Israeli govt. Neither will the Golan find. They will proly have to share their find with the Palestinians because it proly extends into territories occupied by the Palestinians, and that will really upset the hardliners on all sides. I think that the oil is there and I know of the hook in the jaw prophecy and somehow this all comes together. I can not make any timeline predictions or even any anticipations of who will side with who. All I know is that God made promises to Israel, and actually to us all, and He will deliver. Simple as that.