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07/11/18 2:07 AM

#283765 RE: CC Writer #283763

CC Writer, you are a known snitch, and a Trump-cult troll. The links arizona1 has already
posted are more than adequate 4u, shut the f**k up. Now run to admin. again, you dick.


07/11/18 2:10 AM

#283767 RE: CC Writer #283763

Never knew one that would put up with someone playing with their private parts.

When you're a poor young kid from Ohio and are on a athletic scholarship, you keep your mouth shut. How do you think the #metoo movement came to be?

So are you saying that all the women who accused Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein of abuse are making it up?


07/11/18 8:57 AM

#283823 RE: CC Writer #283763

Ever hear of Denny Hastert a Republican Speaker of the House.

arizona1: I have been involved in several sports, and I knew a number of wrestlers. Never knew one that would put up with someone playing with their private parts. They are a different breed of tough in my opinion. I really don't see a college wrestler being sexually abused. And a college wrestler is a man, too old to be a victim of pedophilia. I guess you never associated with athletes. Do you have a link to Jordan's admission? Why hasn't the head coach been scrutinized?