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07/10/18 7:22 AM

#140437 RE: Chompiee #140436

Couldn’t have said it better.


07/10/18 7:26 AM

#140439 RE: Chompiee #140436

Good point....if you look back to the past several months...there has been a consistent flow of PRs. I expect these developments will be PRd quite frequently.

This could provide momentum with the SP as well.

Milestones are being met folks....we are approaching a new outlook for KBLB. History is being made. Enjoy the ride!


07/10/18 7:29 AM

#140441 RE: Chompiee #140436

No, literally everyone knew that Jon was in Vietnam because the last PR said pretty much the exact same thing as this one did.

That he was going to Vietnam to oversee the opening of the production facility.


07/10/18 10:50 AM

#140484 RE: Chompiee #140436

"Infrastructure in place." You mean the metal building shell with bare concrete floor? Didn't I read somewhere it doesn't even have electricity yet? Wire over main entrance too thin to be electric, gotta be phone. Dirt driveway. Nice security wall looks new, no gate. That's our 'lab' space. Hahahaha. First crop won't hatch before 2019.

Remember, this has to be converted to a secure sealed facility for 'dangerous' GMO's Ag products so we can prove production before mass production with farmers will be allowed. Full retrofit + first lab crop harvest = 2019. (And some thought our worms were 'in country' already. Hahahaha!!!). It's like watching paint dry.

And just pointing out, the whole town and all mulberry in area are on a mud flat, prone to seasonal flooding which will be exacerbated by global warming. Be ready. I hope they put their heavy processing equipment on higher ground.