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07/07/18 6:51 PM

#12311 RE: HadToHavit #12308

It works. We all used to hope and wonder and, sure, largely bought speculatively. .06 -.12 cents, years ago. 4$, 6$.... And hoped and wondered. That’s done. Cats out of the bag. It works. No more speculation, Mr. Cramer. Case studies, testimonials, hospital re-orders, expanding sales, studies, uses, new manufacturing plant, etc. It works. And, re. Dr likely “works” in ways/markets we never then considered. I think Eskay is right, drip drip drip, we’re getting noticed. Getting traction. It’s inevitable, and thats because it works. We are, from a market cap perspective, versus our serviceable market/potential, simply undervalued. That’s not going to last forever....drip drip drip....