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Red Cloud

07/07/18 1:21 PM

#465489 RE: schaub #465473

I disagree..

In my opinion, between the two possible paths for resolving the GSE conservatorships, our best chance for the best possible outcome for shareholders lies with the Courts.

Relying on an administrative resolution: shareholders are at the full mercy of whatever shitty deal the Government decides to ram down our throats. Much is written daily on this message board speculating about which shitty deal we will be forced to accept, and exactly how shitty that deal might happen to be. Will we get a fraction of a fraction of the value of our property, or will we get nothing and like it? Who gets to face the firing squad, commons or preferred?

On the other hand, if we prevail in court, based upon the Facts and Rule of Law, we might actually recover our shareholder rights, the value of the Net Worth Sweep, release from conservatorship, ect. Furthermore: a court victory is a clear, public refutation and condemnation of the Conservatorship and all that took place by and through it.

In a capital case, the longer the jury stays out the better the chance is for an acquittal. I'm hoping the same may apply in our case - the jury is still out on Bhatti and Collins.

The bottom line is (and we all know it): Shareholders have been robbed, pure and simple. I KNOW there are still Judges who have the BALLS AND INTEGRITY to do the right thing.

So, I'm rooting for a courtroom victory. It's our best bet.