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07/03/18 3:10 PM

#105518 RE: CBriX #105516

MMEX and Weatherman theory - hmmm Well ok I am buying more now - Yes MMEX is like the weather it must be true GO MMEX

lol too funny


07/03/18 9:08 PM

#105549 RE: CBriX #105516

If MMEX is in fact pursuing financing, and this is doubtful, it is almost certain that the company itself would be the source of any, and all delay.

First of all, there are distinct differences in project finance structures, from standard commercial, or retail lending - project financing is nothing at all like a bank loan for an individual, or small business.

There is a specific order to project financing; all of the work is done to size up the deal, identify risks, partnering needs, the equity raise portion of the deal (which always comes first, and closes ahead of the debt portion), etc. Project financing is scheduled, and usually has a project management team, Gantt chart/schedule, and well-defined timing - there are no surprises associated with project finance structured deals - they are run by expert deal teams, which include specialty legal counsel, financial analysts, technical, and market analysts - there are no surprises.

The notion that a “bank loan committee” is the hold-up is nonsensical, or that a “loan officer forgot a form” is comically naive.

There is no, as in zero, evidence that MMEX has secured the equity portion of the deal - for a nominal $70-million project finance package, this would be $14-million - $15-million in equity, almost always secured by a private placement. There isn’t even a rumor of this happening anywhere in the industry, regarding MMEX.

The larger deal would be equally visible - Mad J.’s claim that an unnamed “international debt fund” is behind this is beyond ludicrous. The debt side of a project finance package is syndicated over multiple sources, to spread, and mitigate risk. Again, no evidence, no rumor, no nothing - there would be evidence of a deal team working this if MMEX had something real in flight.

In contrast to MMEX’s year-plus efforts to syndicate a deal, real companies commonly pull off $500-million to $2-billion dollar project finance deals in less than 180-days, even in complex situations - the usual average is 90-days start to finish, and they happen on time, on schedule. This is routine in the O&G sector, for pipelines, processing facilities, terminal/distribution facilities, etc.

The comment "A bankers time frame on when a deal will get done is about as good a piece of information as the weatherman saying it will rain in 3 days.” is beyond ludicrous - only those with no knowledge of the sector, or how project finance deals are structured would make such an inaccurate, outlandish claim.

Why does everyone think the delays are on MMEX ‘s side? Most probably haven’t had to deal with banks for big financing. Loan committees usually meet once a week to discuss loans that are on the agenda. If the bank doesn’t have it ready by the time the committee gets together then it is pushed to the next week. Never fails that the banker or loan officer you deal with forgot to get this form or the numbers people that hide in the back need something and they can’t get everything ready in time.

Really not a big deal. A bankers time frame on when a deal will get done is about as good a piece of information as the weatherman saying it will rain in 3 days.