Is someone sucking in air from the cesspool of toxic waste that has recently been dumped and caused the mayor of georgina, the police and local regulatory bodies as well as local neighbors to complain and have the site completely shut down and monitored? Same sight that (MAYBE BUT 99.9% LIKELY) has been arguing for a pleasant meeting with the town shortly (meaning in a few years time if ever) to hopefully start stage one of a two year mj process if everything goes perfect, but first must have all these things dealt with?
Why is this all of a sudden the focus and pitched heavily before the next q. What about the Ibliss acquisition that was to produce $15M to the books? Or everything else that failed? Literally, everything else. You touted it heavy heavy. Now those deals are a dime a dozen according to your posts. But what about the claims when you were pounding the table to be guaranteed?
I think a class action lawsuit is coming, whether you delete this post or not. These things take time. Laugh now. just wait. Hope the cash coin laundery's that are in your personal name yet paid for by Eaph shareholders that got phcuked is going great.