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06/28/18 5:33 PM

#105197 RE: mikoli007 #105195

The SEC, among others, have conducted studies on investor profiles for those that "invest" in penny, OTC stocks like MMEX.

The data is interesting in almost all these studies - in that the demographic/psychographic profile of individuals who invest in stocks like MMEX all fall into two distinct buckets; unsophisticated retail investors, typically individuals nearing retirement, or the elderly, and the degenerate gambler - in all cases they are looking for "get rich quick" and lottery-like outcomes.

Here is a link to the SEC study:

Reviewing the study data, one can easily see the outcome, and returns for OTC Pink-sheet scams likes MMEX is very, very, very, very, very (I used all five very's) grim.

Anyone can read MMEX's filings and see the horror show for what it is. Anyone can read the publicly available information, and find that MMEX is a fraud - promoting, and even permitting for operation a rudimentary topping unit, missing critical front-end components, including a desalter, pre-flash column, and so on. MMEX even documents that its proposed Phase I system could not produce any directly marketable products.

Victims of cons like MMEX are often unable to accept, or acknowledge the facts - they are "all in," and even after MMEX inevitably hits rock bottom, acceptance will still not be there for the victims of Mad J.'s fraud.

Can you imagine the anxiety of waiting everyday for mmex news ( that you suspect is not gonna come.). It is so obvious no one is buying this, except the trading between mm's from when they shorted it, they are just buying it back to complete the order. Whomever said charts are an indicator of whats to come must finally realize they were right and hence NOTHING is coming but more EXTREMELY TOXIC NOTES. Dang, I was wrong for so long but when I finally quit chasing the dream, where for the price of a burrito I could become wealthy. Those two old sayings still hold true. If it sounds to good to be true, it is! A fool and his money are soon parted!
Well, tic-toc, they still have one more day before good ole jack misses another deadline. Who will hang on from there?
Maybe jack meant june of next year, yeah, that's it!!!!