Potenial Revenue...
The number that has been identified by multiple people is $1600 per kit is what each clinic has to pay to CMTH. I believe the cost to CMTH is $400 per kit, so that is $1200 in profit. $1200 in profit x 90000 men per year is $108M per year. That seems very optimistic(but is feasible with certain catalysts). There are a few things that this scenario doesn't take into account though:
1. International clients/clinics, which is obviously a focus given the new subsidiary and domain names being registered and documented interaction with foreign urologists at the AUA.
2.The treatment isn't limited in scope to just those who are resistant to PDE5 inhibitors, meaning the potential client base is bigger than the original 30% that the narrative was based off of.
3. Additional revenue from selling of the Magellan device to clinics
The potential numbers can get quite interesting once you factor those things in and then realize this is only the first of their commercialized treatments!