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06/27/18 9:47 PM

#78695 RE: Dreamerinfinite #78694

Thas right dreamer. Why would an existing company with millions in revenue let a nothing company take them over. What are they getting, NOTHING, SPRV has nothing to offer. As you say, makes no sense. It a ploy to sell more shares and line their pockets. They have played this before several times. But, if it allows us to get out with a profit it's okay.
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06/27/18 10:40 PM

#78697 RE: Dreamerinfinite #78694

That’s the beauty of a R/M they can by pass the lengthy and complex process of going public IMO but we still need news and follow through
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06/28/18 12:59 AM

#78703 RE: Dreamerinfinite #78694

Because Amazon is getting into the pizza delivery business and it makes sense to outsource?

Next, there will be company name change, ticker symbol change. And who knows, if uplisting?