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06/28/18 11:17 AM

#9593 RE: BigBaboon #9592

iN MARCH 2018 500,000 PREFERRED SHARES WERE ISSUED TO AURYN HOLDING CORPORATION (not auryn mining chile) which is a private company owned by Maurizio cordoba and his family. The consideration listed on the financial statements is the enormous sum of 250$ These shares hold voting right in cdch at the rate of 1000 to one. This effectively gives maurizio 500,000,000 voting shares so his private holdings and auryn now entirely control cdch. The other potential shareholders like mdmn and the public, has absolutely no say in the affairs of cdch. Not disclosed is what percentage of any profits accrue to these holdings in priority to common shareholders. The effect of all this is that medinah and cdch and the owners of the alto property have given up all its ownership and rights to the entire alto
mountain for absolutly no cash, and little if any probability of future values as maurizio now totally controls the future of cdch, and mdmn with no controls by any shareholders.
The report has no mention of the alto property but does days they are interested in the northern chile properties of Masglas another private company of maurizio.
Looking at the financials one sees that the company has less that 1000$ in cash and more that 10,000$ in debt. with 7 billion shares issued one would wonder if cdch has any ability to raise funds to continue to exist, let alone develop the alto property
The only hope i can see for cdch and mdmn is if some interested groups would come forward and return the ownership of the mountain back to medinah and cdch, where they should always have remained!!