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06/26/18 11:42 AM

#232185 RE: DaubersUP #232184

I am hoping this silence is because they are working the massive full mega B franchise deal. Or the multiple partner OM deal. Really hoping for the franchise though. That could prop us into the teens and twenties over night if it’s the mega franchise deal. IMO.


06/26/18 11:57 AM

#232186 RE: DaubersUP #232184

It may be a bit out of the ordinary. Of course Leo didn't expect prurisol to take so long but we'll get the data when we get it. Unblinded and then analyzed and reported. And likely into 3rd quarter.
I'll also tell you Leo is getting pressured to keep silent and NOT put out a PR with stuff we already know. I know a few that have sent Leo emails (self included) to stay silent until he has something new to say. So, let the catalyst anticipation build.

Hazelhurst hit the nail on the head here...

Posted by: hazelhurst
In reply to: None Date:6/26/2018 10:33:04 AM
Post #232178 of 232185

Loving the silence. The only IPIX PR I want to see is either, partnership news, Prurisol results (good or bad), or BTD. If none of these can be provided, I’d rather they continue to keep quiet.