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06/27/18 12:59 AM

#59883 RE: TedJ #59850

Hi Ted, Here's a youtube video of a Senvol presentation. It would seem that there may be some overlap between Senvol and Sigma's technologies. Any additional opinion you and others may be able to offer, if you have the opportunity to listen to the presentation, would be appreciated.

Perhaps, as you said in your post copied below, their in-situ technology isn't particularly sophisticated....I can only say that from the lay perspective, when you listen to presentations such as this, there's a sense of similarity and an appearance of the technologies' descriptions running together, and that makes an engineer's opinion and ability to point out distinctions all that much more appreciated.

Thank you

Senvol does not give out much info, other than this on their website.
Computer Vision Algorithm

In addition to Senvol ML’s machine learning capabilities, Senvol ML also includes a computer vision algorithm that analyzes, in realtime, in-situ monitoring data. This enables a user to detect irregularities in real-time and begin to quantify the relationships between irregularities in the build and the resulting mechanical performance.

They appear to be planning on giving this in-situ software away for free with their Machine Learning (ML) software that they are still developing. If it was a significant piece of software, wouldn't they describe it more and try to sell it? Do they have any patents?

From what I've read it has a visual camera to find defects in the build layers and collects thermal data to visualize hot spots on the build surface. Not very sophisticated.

Their big focus is in databases and processing data, and I don't see any metallurgical expertise like Sigma that can take the data to the next level based on the physics of the melt pool, etc.

So it's similar to other basic monitoring offerings out there.