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Dragon Lady

06/24/18 11:01 AM

#96189 RE: Disbelief1 #96188


Yep...FDA...ADULTERATED AND MISBRANDED DRUG..DRUG..DRUG promotion.and use and SALE INTO THE STREAM OF COMMERCE w/o an IND or any biologics lic or proper FDA of the most serious things a person/firm/company and its officers can be charged with or sued for...

And NOTHING..says this can only be a "civil" court matter...many attorneys writing on-line have already stated "CRIMINAL" charges/cases often follow the DOJ civil action due to people failing to heed these warnings AND especially when it resulted in ANY form of grave harm to a human patient...

AND the SEC, a totally separate FEDERAL AGENCY is conducting a FORMAL INVESTIGATION OF USRM and their Sr Mgt all on its own...could also result in CIVIL or CRIMINAL charges and fines or penalties or injunctions etc.....know one knows yet...but the SEC doesn't willy-nilly open FORMAL INVESTIGATIONS that reach the SUBPOENA APPROVAL level w/o serious cause and suspicion of's a very formal process..

This is the KNOCKOUT BLOW that thee UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS and DOJ and FDA are seeking against the rogue, non FDA compliant "clinic" operators U.S. Stem Cell Inc, U.S. Stem Cell LLC, Sr company officer and Board member Kristin Comella and side-kick buddy of USRM Theordore will shut this POS DOWN FOR GOOD looks like to me....

14 SHORT LINES/SENTENCES of ATOMIC LEVEL DESTRUCTION ALL being aimed with laser precision at USRM by THEE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT...all targeting USRM this here now 3 CENT POS SPECIAL...gonna put um out of biz or BK um defending it more than likely IMO....

PERMANENT INJUNCTION is what the FEDS WANT and the FEDS ain't gonna stop or quit till they get it IMO....they OFFERED TO SETTLE THE CASE ALREADY (per the USRM SEC filed 10-Q) and Tomas and Comella and gang said basically "FU" so the FEDS TOOK UM TO THE BIG COURT..where the big players of the big leagues play....and now CASH POOR USRM IS DRAINING THEIR CASH LINE (and will be diluting IMO) to pay the legal tab....

KABOOM....the legal death blow from the FEDS....WITH LOVE....KA-POW...BANG...BOOMAGE.....SHOCK AND AWE....DESTRUCTION...

Short and sweet and all a big ole DRAGNET that sweeps up ANY AND ALL PLAYERS in any way "connected or in-concert" to what USRM does in their lil clinic (the human experimentation biz basically..aka pay-to-treat disguised as legit "research" or supposed legit "clinical trials" etc) AND all the little PRIVATE HELD MICRO LLC's and micro corps they've structured (very intentionally by the way) - it knocks um all fell swoop...SHAZAM-O-WHAMO...

AMERICAN STEM CELL CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE will be laid to rubble...and a bunch of other paying gigs that Tomas and Comella have been using to self-enrich....

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey, goodbye...


06/24/18 11:26 AM

#96190 RE: Disbelief1 #96188

Not a drug! Pharma/FDA are greedy sob’s and with social media more are noticing how corrupt they really are. Stall tactic by pharma/fda so they can try to protect their bottom line.
BEING PERFORMED ALL AROUND THE WORLD! So let’s see what the court says here ;). I’m betting USRM prevails. Cheap bet for incredible return! Not getting my shares! Imo.
Buy em up ;).


06/24/18 11:35 AM

#96191 RE: Disbelief1 #96188

Maybe you missed the part the this so called “establishment of a drug” was written up in what is called a guidance document.

“FDA’s guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe FDA’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word “should” in FDA’s guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.”


06/24/18 3:12 PM

#96195 RE: Disbelief1 #96188


Tick tock...tick tock...


06/24/18 5:15 PM

#96197 RE: Disbelief1 #96188

" determined" I find it so funny. Big Pharma owns the FDA and they want stem cells defined as a drug because it hurts their bottom line and stem cells are a threat to everything big Pharm believes in which is not to cure,but only relieve symptoms while causing numerous other symptoms and side effects. A cure for an ailment means less use of medication. Hmm, remove adipose tissue. Separate cells from tissue. Reinject cells into same patient during same procedure. Doesn't sound like a drug to me! Any layperson can read between the lines here. We can't have now can we? Oh yes we can! It's called USRM and stem cell treatment as a whole!