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06/23/18 3:04 PM

#50405 RE: benlurkn #50404

benlurkn: PEIX

HOLY COW! I had stopped following PEIX, and the price per share shocks me.

I owned PEIX for several years. Thanks for the post because it makes me aware of the stock's being booted from the Russell 3000. For me, the stock has been a real dog! I'll probably start a new position, because my philosophy is that you should buy when a stock is very beaten down if U believe the company will stay in business and eventually recover. At this price, I'm wondering whether it is a takeover candidate? Valero, are U paying attention!



06/24/18 1:26 AM

#50416 RE: benlurkn #50404

beblurkin/bbotcs- PEIX

Stock never carried more than high single digit PE going forward. When it hit $24 in 2014, many thought they would post $3 annually going forward. With only $.32 expected in 2019, the stock is selling for a 8 PE going forward that far right now.