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06/23/18 10:36 AM

#3663 RE: MeepMeep #3661

SHIDAN KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE STOCK MARKET THIS WHY HE IS GETTING TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS IN OTC LAND. Perhaps it is a result of the new management recently put in place that may be inexperienced in the markets. Regardless, this cannot be used as an excuse.

For instance, there has been no clarity on what assets the company actually controls. Initially, it appears the company has investments in several cryptocurrencies. But there is no record of what exactly their investments consist of. Nor is there a record of where the funds previously raised have been spent. This is alarming. One would think that had the company invested in a handful of coins with the initial $8 million raise closed on September 25, we would be aware of it. The gains these investments would have seen as of late would be remarkable and would certainly bring in investors to Global Blockchain. Instead, investors are left guessing at what their money was used for.