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06/22/18 7:02 AM

#13379 RE: Captain Black Bob Blanco #13373

Peter Fonda. Good grief.
Wonder if he's trying to reprise his Easy Rider character thumbing his nose at convention?
With any luck the aged version of his anti-hero will meet the same fate as his screen character...
Only this time, the bullets will be real.

Sadly, he'll probably get to host the Oscars or some other irrelevant Hollywood award show.
Show business likes to reward its heroes.
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crazy horse 0

06/22/18 10:09 AM

#13393 RE: Captain Black Bob Blanco #13373

Great this Fonda should be made an example.
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crazy horse 0

06/22/18 10:10 AM

#13394 RE: Captain Black Bob Blanco #13373

Former White House Senior Adviser Devotes “Chapter 5” to Obama “Birth Certificate”


(Jun. 21, 2018) — In a June 13 interview with “Crooked Conversations” host Jon Lovett, former Obama White House Communications Director and Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer spoke about his new book, released on Tuesday, titled, “Yes We (Still) Can: Politics in the Age of Obama, Twitter, and Trump.”

The podcast link is here:

Pfeiffer told Lovett that while he did not intend to write a book about his White House experiences, he included “stories” involving Obama which he thought readers would find interesting. He said that he also focused on “the endurance of conspiracy theories,” particularly one he claimed Donald Trump began when he demanded that the White House release Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate to show that he was eligible to hold office.

Pfeiffer said one story involves Obama’s meeting with musician Kanye West. Lovett responded that an “Obama-Kanye story is enough to get people on the hook” (13:26).

West has recently indicated his support for Trump’s policy of “Make America Great Again.”

From the outset of the interview, Pfeiffer made the case that Obama was a Washington outsider who American voters could embrace and that Donald Trump is largely responsible for the rise of “fake news,” particularly as it relates to the April 2011 release of the “long-form” birth certificate in which Pfeiffer played a major role.

Following a commercial break, at 12:09, Lovett introduced Chapter 5 in the audio version of Pfeiffer’s book, which was previewed on Yahoo! News by Senior Editor Dylan Stableford one week ago. [Editor’s Note: There are obscenities in the audio-book which some readers may find offensive.]

“The term ‘fake news’ was not yet part of the political lexicon, but this might very well have been the moment when it rose from something that elicited an eye-roll to something that necessitated a response from the White House,” Pfieffer’s voice is heard, responding to Trump’s then-demands for Obama to demonstrate that he is constitutionally eligible to serve as president.

Pfeiffer then provided examples of erroneous “news” stories which he claimed were circulated to affect the 2016 presidential election.

Further, he claimed that “fake news” is now perpetuated “to signal to Trump’s most diehard supporters to dismiss any piece of news that is bad for Trump, even if it is objectively and obviously true.” Pfeiffer described the current situation as “an era of post-truth politics.”

“In the past, even the slipperiest politicians adhered to a plausible deniability of dishonesty,” the audio-book continued. “Instead of outright lying, they would put some measure of spin on a set of facts. Sometimes the spin was so absurd that it was hard to extinguish it from a lie, but at the end of the day, it was rooted in some truth, even if it perverted that truth beyond recognition.” (16:20)

The term “plausible deniability” in regard to Obama and the birth certificate image has been used by former detective Mike Zullo, who conducted a five-year investigation into the image posted at and found it to be a “computer-generated forgery.”

The chapter, and most likely the entire book, does not mention Zullo’s investigation, the findings from which were confirmed by two reputable forensic analysts as revealed by Zullo in late 2016.

Pfeiffer claimed that despite “serious issues” pressing the White House at the time, reporters were “forced to ask an unserious question because of the never-ending search for ratings, clicks and retweets” which he said were caused by Trump’s questioning of Obama’s birthplace and eligibility.

The audio-book then provides examples of alleged rumors about Obama, to include ‘birtherism,’ which he said appeared to have begun during the Iowa caucuses in early 2008.

As did Stableford, Pfeiffer claimed that Obama’s “Certificate of Live Birth” was released by the campaign in response to the “rumors” that Obama was born outside of the U.S. and might not be a “natural born Citizen,” which the Constitution’s Article II requires for the president. The form is actually titled, “Certification of Live Birth.”

He called those who “sued the president” over his unanswered eligibility “a bunch of crackpots” and claimed that Trump “brought up the ‘birther’ conspiracy” in order to gain airtime for his re-release of “The Celebrity Apprentice” in early March 2011.

At 24:40, Pfeiffer said he was “living in blissful ignorance” as to “the machinations” the Obama White House went through to obtain the “long-form” birth certificate from Hawaii, where Obama claims to have been born. Pfeiffer also called supporters of Trump’s desirous of seeing the White House release Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate at the time a “band of racist nut jobs.”

Interestingly, Pfeiffer’s book claims that Obama gave a press conference “a couple of hours” following the release of the birth certificate image while in reality, he spoke within minutes after it was made public, with a time stamp on the transcript of 9:48 a.m. EDT.

After the 25:00 mark, Pfeiffer said he was “summoned to the White House counsel,” where he said he asked, “Am I going to jail?” after which he predicted that “undoubtedly” some from the Trump White House will be headed there.