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Cid Vicious

06/20/18 11:40 AM

#14458 RE: Frizzo #14455

Sounds like a bag full of speculation like many of your I hope this will happen posts.

Yes clean energy is wanted around the world, no kidding. What does that have to HYSR's progress, nothing...

2018 has been disappointing, ask the folks who are holding the bag.

Look back at the conversations of their predictions, so you say you would wait to 2020, well others said they would wait till 2017 and things were going to happen and it never did. All you are saying is "here grab this shovel and bury yourself".

You say new highs are coming, well they did, like .0001-.0003 of an increase... give me a break lol

I can predict new lows are coming also.

Money Storm Drain Coming....
HyperCon To Lure You On...


06/20/18 12:48 PM

#14460 RE: Frizzo #14455

I knew that would happen...I'm too lazy to find previous posts. Now it's 2020...suuuuure!

Of course they are going to say there is progress! They need to maintain somehow people excited about this.

They will never reach anything commercial. Same as BSRC, SLTD, etc....the other gems!