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06/19/18 4:51 PM

#104527 RE: bildo #104526

Very well said. Concise and extremely helpful information for potential MMEX investors. And a dead-on refresher course for current investors. And in the nick of time... I sincerely hope your post gets a sticky.

bildo Tuesday, 06/19/18 04:26:03 PM
Re: None 0
Post #
of 104526
Hey, an uptick on such low volume is never a bad thing. The good thing, however, is that Jack has all the necessary elements in place to build a refinery besides the final financing contract, which Jacks states is to follow soon. This refinery will be built on the Permian basin where all the oil is and where refined products are needed in order to get more oil out of the ground and to the coast. In MMEX's latest letter, Jack also states that they have been approached for provision of storage and transportation services. If it all comes to fruition, which we have no real reason to doubt that it will, the PPS is gonna go all Krakatoa... will be the noise heard around the country. Don't be left without your tickets. They're going cheap right now when one considers the potential. IMO.



06/19/18 4:57 PM

#104528 RE: bildo #104526

Awesome post!
$mmex strong


06/19/18 5:07 PM

#104531 RE: bildo #104526

Oh my, another homage to Mad J., driver of the MMEX clown-car, and hero to unsophisticated investors...

Let's pick this apart for fact:

Hey, an uptick on such low volume is never a bad thing. The good thing, however, is that Jack has all the necessary elements in place to build a refinery besides the final financing contract, which Jacks states is to follow soon.

"Mad J. says..." with zero supporting evidence. Where are the contracts for supply, for off-take? Where are the LOI's? Odd, none involved, save for a year-plus old statement from KPE, and bits of fluff from Mad J.'s partner in fraud, VFuels, ever made any corroborating statements. What Mad J. "says," and what Mad J. does are almost always very different things - his only consistent behavior has been delays, and a continuous string of toxic loans...

This refinery will be built on the Permian basin where all the oil is and where refined products are needed in order to get more oil out of the ground and to the coast.

Sorry to disappoint - MMEX's little plot of desert paradise, while technically within the Permian Basin, is far outside the productive zones - it sits on the Central Basin Plateau, a non-producing region in the basin, far from crude gathering or transmission systems. There is no validated need for a small scale, rudimentary topping unit in the region, and what MMEX has proposed in Phase I, and for that matter Phase II could never produce a single barrel of product suitable for the regional market!


n MMEX's latest letter, Jack also states that they have been approached for provision of storage and transportation services.

Another "Mad J. says," empty, hollow claim - in this case, the rancid bacon wrapper around the rotting MMEX carrot, dangled for unsophisticated retail investors to sniff and chase. There is no evidence of these claims, and there is no basis in fact for them - the design as it stands could not support this claimed activity.

If it all comes to fruition, which we have no real reason to doubt that it will, the PPS is gonna go all Krakatoa... will be the noise heard around the country. Don't be left without your tickets. They're going cheap right now when one considers the potential. IMO.

More inane, hollow cheerleading - Krakatoa was a volcano. MMEX is a super-dilutive, sub-penny shell company - not a volcano. The only thing MMEX might figuratively spew, would be similar to pus from an infected boil on Mad J.'s rear-end... Is MMEX a variation of the lottery, where one needs "tickets?" Is MMEX a game for degenerate gamblers? I though MMEX was an "investment." The only potential in MMEX is downside. What a laughable crock of MMEX crap...


06/19/18 9:24 PM

#104540 RE: bildo #104526


Great post.....Thanks bildo