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07/23/18 5:32 AM

#1597 RE: harry crumb #1596

I remember those great days....four days in a row Jim Cramer bad mouth this stock. On day 4, I looked the stock up and was surprised it was selling for $1.64 a share. I bought 30,000 shares over the next few days between $1.64 - $2.24. A few days later, Sheldon bought a massive amount of shares and the stock started climbing. I still own most of those shares. Ty Jim


08/01/18 1:18 AM

#1598 RE: harry crumb #1596

Harry, what timeline are you looking at to short it? It feels like it's getting closer, i think the tax cuts extended the timeline. I'm thinking the downturn will be in 2nd half of 2019 - 2020. It feels like a catalyst,( st loans, home mortgages again, car loans, rising rates) will show up soon. Right now there is still a shortage in workers and I'm not what changes it. What are your thoughts?