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06/18/18 5:53 AM

#141003 RE: RealDutch #141002

So we are being held hostage because the company needs a lousy $2M. Never seen such a ridiculous thing before, with $631M in net assets. It could drive a person crazy.

OMG, when you get it that the assets are not real?
Of course it all sounds very weird if you believe the company BS.
Just accept the truth that they can't even grow prawns adult, have no assets they claim and they are broke printing shares at 2% book value.
The real book value is nothing. Printing and selling stocks at imaginary 631M book value is awesome business and makes perfect sense!

It all makes perfect sense if you admit that is just a scam.

The simplest most logical explanation is the correct one.


06/18/18 5:42 PM

#141053 RE: RealDutch #141002

So another 4m shares will be issued? Just awfull. Time for a lawsuit