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06/17/18 8:17 PM

#101010 RE: gemstone57 #101009

Carbon credits for Olivine is NOT real. It isn't even proven that it works. No one is granting carbon credits for Olivine, including BC.

And even if it does work, there is NO chance that NBRI's properties would be mined for it. Olivine is one of the most common minerals on the planet. It occurs everywhere in large quantities. Even if someone was granting carbon credits for Olivine, which they aren't, there are many other sources already developed and permitted which would be mined LONG before anyone came looking for NBRI's claims.

Olivine is so common that is has absolutely no value. NBRI's claims are completely bogus and is clearly just one more pathetic attempt to pump this stock to allow the toxic death spiral convertible holders to convert and dump more of their 32 BILLION new common shares.