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06/17/18 2:03 PM

#11845 RE: Tossil #11843

reading #843 situation--was-clearly-posted-and-its-ole' we all go with hope..MR. Hugo is busy getting something done whether an audit alone or not the message seemed clear.. I actually' do.. appreciate hoping myself and prefer to think this way..really..
But.. with experience in business, prefer.. to keep my feet on the ground when it comes to business so' it does not repeatedly disappoint.
The point is.. if it regularly does disappoint then' that chips away at crediblity and that chips away at needed trust.. which is has already been put to the side because of all this .. GLTA..
what is Hugo thinking and saying its only going to be.. his to decide. and so far he says clearly and recently he cares not.. about our PPS and demonstrated this to us continually' at this date in June..
its opinion but.. i don't expect a change of heart in this statement from Hugo for the time being.. as usual waiting will pass the time and time will tell is what it is..