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06/16/18 4:04 PM

#215 RE: Phaedrus77 #212

Would/could an auditor sign off on financials without knowing whether the SEC will charge UDFI with fraud?

There's no real way to answer that. Barring any gov't directives it would most likely all depend on who is doing the auditing.

Keep in mind one of the many calculated target zones Bass & Co hit besides tv & the media with accusations of a UDF run ponzi scheme was the professional community ala LinkedIn. Which I think would have spread like a wildfire in the auditing community. Carpet bombing that community was very shrewd.. and certainly no accident. Now put yourself in UDF's shoes post smear campaign and try to find a reputable auditing team that will work with you. My guess is very few auditors returned UDF's calls. I have no way of knowing that but innuendo, whether factual or not, is a very powerful thing...and if true explain to me how that wasn't done with malicious intent.

I do think now in light of Dale Kitchen's affidavit it would give an auditor some assurance they can sign off on the financials.

There are other guys here who can speak from a much higher level of experience / professional knowledge...but those are my thoughts.