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06/15/18 10:17 AM

#158348 RE: puckhead #158347

I don't know if it will ever get resolved but maybe some return of monies.

As one who is close to this latest move told me it's sitting at a 50/50 right now. After today's meeting we may know more.


06/16/18 3:00 PM

#158362 RE: puckhead #158347

We are all going to pass before this gets resolved, Pre-lock or not..


Unless you are deathly ill at the moment?

Things are falling into place very well. Ball is sort of in my court this week.

Oh, I guess I have to send Mintz an email letting them know I plan to intervene and obliterate Megas. I mean, you can't sue for potential business losses when you had no business and have lied for decades about potential deals.