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06/15/18 2:03 AM

#58316 RE: SilverBack #58315

You're talking about a traditional uplist to NYSE and I'm referring to an initial or secondary offering on the NYSE (I don't know that the company has ever had an initial offering). As I mentioned before I am not an expert on the JOBS Act, but it was explained to me a couple of years ago that the "traditional" uplist qualifications don't apply if the JOBS Act can be used to have the offering.

ZNGY has already filed an S1 (December of 2017) and audits their annual financial statements. Not a lot of prep left to do to go the JOBS Act route.

Was reading up on the JOBS Act tonight, but honestly that stuff bores the crap out of me and gets pretty damn confusing...From what I see though the company may qualify to go this route.

I understand what you are talking about and you are right from what I know they couldn't uplist based on current requirements, but look closer at the JOBS Act and they might be able to "back door" the NYSE with this.

Again, I am not saying this is what they are doing, I am not an expert on this in anyway, but it seems if there was some way to get listed on the NYSE this would be the way to do it...I'll have to do more research when I'm not so tired...Reading up on SEC regs is about as much fun as a root canal to me.