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06/13/18 7:13 PM

#12991 RE: bankin9 #12990

100,000 would be 100 bucks. Free. No strings attached. No gambling. Only 1-2 minutes a day for 3 months of your time if you have good long term memory. Free. Your ignorance obviously shows. Tell me... who is going to give you free money? Go gamble. See what happens. They can capitalize on that but this is for free so far. Never put in my money. Just played pools, trivia, polls, scratchy, and etc. I half-assed made 17 bucks. Imagine if they played the gambling card, a monster for sure. 450 dollar market cap. 10 bucks a share, easily.


06/13/18 7:15 PM

#12992 RE: bankin9 #12990

100,000 @ .001 would be $100. Check your math breh