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06/11/18 1:41 PM

#23219 RE: gestalt2 #23217

science success, SP will follow eventually

as explained with the interpretation of p ~ 0.032 earlier,
we have a high quantity of succeeding pts.

Then we even have a relative high mean of VLsup of 1.65log10.

And the biggest icing on the cake is the continuation of the treatment of 77% (as known by posted ASM abstract).
This number not being a PE or SE, but it truly exceeds expectations now - especially after knowing CD01-Ext results.

Bottom line: It is as it should be.
And the HIV community surely will pick up this positive results within the next days.
We also expect a paper to be published about it.

Apart from the scientific success here, SP move is always something mystical (o8>
$1 broke down in 2016 due to a bigger offering? Since then investors are a bit cautious to say the least?
This shall change.


06/11/18 9:41 PM

#23237 RE: gestalt2 #23217

If management have such confidence as you believe then they should have something in binding form. If they have a binding verbal or written agreement which gives them such confidence then it is material and they would be obliged to publish it. Conclusion: there is nothing yet material done.

We have a topmanager on board who was priviously topmanager at Gilead. He is supposed to be the driver of future of the company. GOOD! Top science results. And now what?? Business as usual?
The glass is half full.

We know now with high certaincy what board experts elaborated here for a long time: the drug is super and cant be ignored as it "cures" almost without side effects. We know also the future market value which is 20 times higher as it is.

Based on 2 years with this company i believed sp will not get pushed by the conference. As usual, the sp made even a minius.

As further dozens of millions of warrants are waiting for sale at 0.5 and 0.8 and no institutional buyers cant come in, who will be buying all these shares? Either we get a BO/partnership offer or we finally make the R/S or we get a hostile offer or we park the company at this value for another 6 months. Waiting for further much better results, mono, will in this scenario where we are not much of a help.

The window of an incredible opportunity is very wide open. Can management use it?