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06/11/18 4:13 PM

#89105 RE: HelloKitty8 #89096

When dealing in penny stocks, it's not wise or even accurate for the most part to run charts. They fluctuate way too much to maintain any reasonable method of trying to figure them out. They can go down on great news and then go up fast with bad news. RMHB is especially one of those penny stocks that don't operate on any track/schedule when trying to game this stock.

I've been following this stock for two years now and have found nothing but lies to spew from post trying to pump this stock up. All it has done is go down almost 100% in the last three years. They don't operate using any traditional/non traditional business models. They come up with products in order to entice others who don't bother doing their DD to purchase more worthless shares. This company has failed on so many occasions that no one in their right mind should be investing in it! I've been around to see all the lies and hype that this company has put out for the last two years and it's pathetic what they get away with as far as the false information they put out. RMHB always claims that its someone else's fault as to why their grand plans fall apart. All at the same time the board members continue to get wealthy and the shareholders become BAGHOLDERS!

I was in the hole for well over $5k when I first fell for the lies this company was spewing. They have several individuals on the forums and that includes the other forum as well who are used to pump this stock up! They paint a real good picture to an investors who isn't up on their game yet when it comes to knowing and doing their DD. I've been trading for almost 30 years now and I had done my DD but still lost over $5k on this POS. I fell for the lies that were being spewed on the other forum. Which on this forum we do have a few of those pumpers in here that will spew their lies as well. They use different screen names on the other board but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out their the same person! I lost the $5k because I was listening to what was being discussed on the other forum. I was under the impression that since it was the official forum for this stock that the ones posting the majority of the pumping post were actually posting the truth, FAR FROM THE TRUTH BEING POSTED, THATS FOR SURE!

It took me months and months and then more months to obtain my $5k back! It required me to day trade this pig almost every day! I had to make sure I kept enough funds in my trading account so I could flip this POS as many as three times in some given weeks. I'm now fully out of this POS share selling racket thank God! I've actually been able to bank some small gains over the last year but it's nothing to brag about for sure. So if you've got the funds then go ahead and invest in it. I can almost assure you that you'll be throwing your money away! Take some time before you enter a position but be fully aware that this POS is running on fumes right now. There are many other penny stocks you can invest in that actually do make decent returns vs the risk involved. This stock isn't a good play at all. When it drops back to a sub penny again which that's where this is heading just about anyone can flip it to make money. However everytime this does tank it always creates many new BAGHOLDERS! I personally wouldn't invest a nickel into it now as you'll most likely come out way short and be just another sucker who fell for all their lies! I'm not planning on flipping this when it goes back to a sub penny due to the fact it's most likely going to go bankrupt. Either that or the SEC will be shutting it down due to all the lawsuits that have been filed. Not only everything I've already stated, RMHB is way to late to the game in order for them to get any foothold in the CBD market!

They aren't banking any real profits from being on Amazon or eBay! They have a very toxic funding deal which makes the PPS go down each week due to how the funding agreement was written. No bank in their right mind would ever extend a company that's over $30 million in debt any credit. That's where the toxic funding deal comes into play. It's a horrible deal they entered into and the funding company dilutes the stock at least several million shares a week! It's a horrible deal but the only deal RMHB could obtain due to the fact they can't and won't become profitable! I'm sure you've seen the many post in regard to the amount of failed deals this company has been involved in. Those deals that are posted about can easily be researched and found to be factual in nature. So when it was posted what was I up to, absolutely nothing! Just trying to help others save their investment money for doing real investing in a real company that doesn't lie and spew speculation, hype, rumors, KYSON, paid bogus PR releases, pumping post, lies, and pure BS. Be aware when you read any articles that are positive in nature about this company that those articles are paid for by RMHB! No company that I'm even remotely aware of has written any positive articles in regard to RMHB! The only positive articles that are published are the ones RMHB pay for. Just be mindful of your hard earned money, GLTU!

One more thing for you to be aware of as well. These gimmicky trinkets that are being sold right now weren't even developed or invested by RMHB! A manufacturer made the products to fulfill bulk orders by several other established businesses. RMHB simply made a purchase of those items and placed their company logo on them! Anyone can make a purchase just like RMHB did with a small investment of $5k. You can then sell them on Amazon and EBay just like RMHB HAS DONE! It's totally legal to do as well.


Forget where's Waldo
Where's Mrs. Li, who is she anyhow?