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06/07/18 10:44 PM

#2451 RE: jfk #2450

Too many indications this one is going much higher and to be valued shortly at $1B and eventually $6B, $300/share, IMO:

- Received $16M no strings attached, non-diluted grant to fund Phase 3. No organization is going to give that kind of money unless they are super confident it will pass phase 3.

- The call today with so many ALS patients and family members who have researched and some who took part in Phase 2 or Phase 3 that were pleading to continue treatment. That shows the results they're getting or have heard others getting.

- The 6 Phase 3 locations are the best well known facilities in the US, ie: MA General, Mayo Clinic, etc. One of patients said today they knew John Hopkins/MD was vying to accepted as one of the centers.

- They have seen positive results in lab for MS, Parkinson and Alzheimer.

The only thing holding them back is $'s to move quicker which is why it would make sense for large deep pocket Pharma/Bio company to eventually purchase them. DYAX was bought for $6 billion for late-stage experimental treatment they were working on for a rare dangerous inflammatory disease that can block breathing. Once we get closer to Phase 3 approval, the stock should be trading with market cap from $1B - $6B IMO.