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06/06/18 8:03 AM

#959 RE: ambientraider #958

Hi AmbienTrader. ITMS posts price predictions in order to pick up followers that will visit the link he posts. His predictions have been ludicrously off base. He was very bearish on Boeing, for example, all thru the period it was the Dow's #1 performing stock. He knows he'll be wrong about half the time, but the other half... people will think he's a genius. Old trick.

Understand that charting is worthless. Buffett doesn't use it and the few mutual funds that have tried picking stocks based on "Technical Analysis" have been poor performers.

Buffett would advise most people to buy some blue chips (or, better yet, an index fund) and forget about them: "The More You Trade, The More You Lose."

Read this from Forbes Magazine: