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06/05/18 10:52 AM

#70021 RE: Simple Steve #69970

zzaatt, what's better? New shares authorized which
eventually become new shares issued ...OR no options, ie company
has to accept being bought out by another.

Stated that way I'd take the latter, it's just not clear to me that
it would be a BO deal that we would like. In other words, how
does a company get valuation when it's essentially bankrupt and
it's up against the wall?

What if good clinical results are coming down the pike, but the
company needs a little more time (and funds to sustain it).
The problem is that we can invent any number of scenarios and
try to game it out, but we have substantially less information than
management, and even they're facing uncertainties (such as
unexpected outcomes, good or bad, timing of milestones, etc.)

For me it's a necessary working assumption that management is
doing it's best, given what they have to work with (past mistakes
not withstanding). If my only option is to try to constrain management's
freedom of action, I might as well give up and sell.