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06/04/18 4:55 PM

#260721 RE: AC7880 #260719

OMG lol Stop making excuses for this insider enrichment company....they all made their money.

My estimate $240 million dollars easily after 1 billion shares shares strategically sold and >60 million in revenue...along with expenses that somehow come back to their pockets at times lol

That is why Salwa and her husband left the company...job well done

That is why Dereks wife Amy is sheltered and away from the company for the last year.

That is why the NJ boys are pushed out of the company, and suing for their golden parachute lol

Now its just Derek Peterson and Michael James both fake names to hide their past IMHO

Derek will apply for a permit here or there or take partnership on a grow spot....stuff that will NOT need him to use too much of his money lol

Then sell to highest bidder ....and trust me that deal will be back loaded with incentives that will screw you and benefit Derek Peterson.

It is a highly functional insider enrichment to perfection....