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06/04/18 3:25 PM

#45688 RE: derek32smith #45687

Maybe we can compromise on the language. I'll agree that Glassware was never a "real product" if you agree that the microvisor that SI and Sphere 3D purchased in order to kick of their scam was most likely a working software component. Even if you are building on someone else's base, it ain't easy to assemble and deploy a technically sophisticated component like that. I'd venture to guess that the author was undercompensated, and probably wound up watching his dreams evaporate if he held on to the stock he was given. From the information that I've seen, I believe that the microvisor per se worked. The author's expectations that Sphere 3D would be able to develop and market a product based on his work were never realized. They were hyping a Ferrari, when he had assembled a valve train for a diesel - perhaps from off-the-shelf components.

That's SI and PT's modus operandi. They find something that, with a lot of imagination, lies and BS can be hyped up to look like a disruptive innovation, when it is really a simple, small, obsolete and irrelevant piece, running on hope once the cash ran out.

Even if you don't agree, I still like you and your posts. Keep at it.