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09/09/03 12:06 AM

#973 RE: Frank Pembleton #969

Stop that! Keep those energy stocks a secret until I have sold some of my gold stocks! Not to mention those CHK covered calls I have out..., don't want to buy those back for real money... We should have some 90+ builds these next few weeks, hope those energy stocks get beaten up a bit. My favorite natgas plays are: CHK, XTO, and XEC.

Also, be sure to check out EDV.v Endeavour Mining Capital trading tomorrow. Pre-released earnings, trading under 2x PE ratio... One of my larger holdings, have some for sale at US$2.22, trying to raise cash as a % of portfolio...


09/09/03 12:57 AM

#975 RE: Frank Pembleton #969

Michael, I call you tomorrow.

You can guess what about. I'd PM you but am not an IHub member.

We talks.



PS: Loving the crap on of this PM run, especially BGO.

Sexton O Blake

09/11/03 3:11 AM

#1038 RE: Frank Pembleton #969

Re: For you energy bulls out there; today's "WrapUp" by Jim Puplava just rocks.

Some things I thought of when reading this article:

1) I cannot remember if it was this past spring or last year, with the price of gasoline so high, and SUVs requiring premium to boot, I did see stories on TV how people just could not afford to run them any longer, and sold them.

The point I am making is - Jim stated that many have forgotten the 1973 long gas lines, and people continue to buy gas guzzlers. I saw your "Toyota is a big 3" post, but not sure about how SUV sales have been of late - versus say 2000-2001. I can look into that, but I know it is really hurting people with the price of gas these days.

But I do agree that the SUVs are no different than the giant boats "Caddies" "Ford LTD" - 8cyl of waste. Most do not need an SUV; they aren't as big as one would believe; and I learn everyday, that most should not be licensed to drive them.

2) On the brighter side, I have an article from the Aug 11 BW that discusses how both FEDEX and UPS are getting vehicles that use alternates than just "gas" esp Hybrid. Not because of any incentive necessarily, but to save money on fuel costs.

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Let me know if there are scan quality issues...

UPS has "70,000" of those brown trucks; USPS - "142,000"; FEDEX - "100,000". In the end, with so many being purchased, in theory the cost overall for the commercial trucks will drop and I would expect better pricing on cars would follow.

Jim's editoral a good read esp the timeline from exploration to production. But he seemed to make things look so bad because we have "nothing out there". Sure Hybrid requires gas - but it is a step in the right direction.

Michael, I am interested in this entire Hydrogen scheme. It resembles the record industry - the CASH COW - everyone knows that they have been peddling overpriced crap for years, and they finally understand that people aren't going to buy it anymore - they will steal it instead.

Japan right now is testing hydrogen (at 2:51AM the proper names escape me; but Ballard of course makes units that use hydrogen) buses. Saw Nightly Business Report do a story on that. The infrastructure alone to get "hydrogen" refueling stations is a daunting task to say the least.

Remember the Hindenburg

Intersting read:
(I am not saying the information is factual or not)

The concern it seems in Japan, and I would suggest here will be "we don't want a hydrogen station in our backyard".
How many people are gung ho knowing there is a nuclear plant in their neighborhood let alone state? NOT MANY. And here we have something that potentially is more dangerous as there will be many in and around our homes.

Further, what are Exxon, Royal Dutch and the others doing about hydrogen? Are they thinking TODAY only or already planning on the NAPSTER scenario? The only saving grace, I suppose is that the existing Esso stations would be converted to Hydrogen - but I have no idea on the footprint for that - and again the safety issues.

Interesting... food for thought..

Sexton.. Remembering 9/11

OT: (moved this to the end)
Unforunately the link you put up is gone - unless you go back within the site I suppose; I complained that they didn't have a post you made prior - they apparently don't archive all posts - just those that people suggest are good. Reminds me of the place I work - the woman kept deleting all the files for import from the client. We are talking anywhere from 20-250K. Like I am having problems with my 4+ 120GB drives and huge files, and she is cleaning up the drive as if we really need the space. Moving toward at least 2 years on file; I just emailed the site ( with some suggestions on improvement for keeping links.