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06/04/18 11:26 AM

#27880 RE: Doyle McBoyle1 #27870

I think the reason you are getting hassle here is because there are a very tight group of shareholders here who have been on this board communicating for quite some time, almost a year and a half myself. As others have said, this board seems to be of some rarity compared to other OTC pennies in terms of the kind of content talked about, and the immense knowledge some shareholders here know about this field.

When very educational, weekend board talk is happening about future possibilities and different catalysts, and then a comment like yours gets mixed in during a rather informative discussion of this, you gotta understand your gonna get some backlash. Your relatively new to this board, and even though you say you’ve been a shareholder here for a long time as well, it seems you don’t know all that much about what the company your invested in actually has going on in terms of the details.

Next time, you could try to read through all the PR’s, shareholder letters and annual/quarterlies, before asking where a statement has come from. Just shows to others here that your a more diligent shareholder. Just little things like this id imagine will get you more respect here, instead of picking fights and bickering with trustworthy longs who are very trusted and appreciated here. Cheers