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06/03/18 12:53 PM

#51354 RE: RussTheBus #51353

I am not self-aggrandizing. If someone else had taken the time to dig up the fact that BTZO was out of business -- that would have been fine with me; and they would have been credited with that research.

My point, and you seem to miss it being embedded in personalities, is that penny stocks are very dangerous, and very likely to loose all value. The only possibility of finding ones worth chasing require a lot of work -- not hope, blind greed, and zealous "to the moon" cheer leading.

The reason GERS has been attractive for almost two years is based on events in that time period and willingness to look beyond all the desperation and futility of the previous 12 years.

Now every one says that they are open minded and willing to do the work required to make the chase -- but I have found that it is mostly lip service. People plunk down their bets, let the wheel spin and when they loose they cry foul.

So, my commentary is more about human nature playing itself out in penny stocks -- not about me, you, or anyone in particular.

And thus my conclusion -- if anyone thinks that GERS is a guaranteed "winner" after this week's events-- they are mistaken as well. We will have a much better read of that when we see Judge Stoll's ruling on the GERS' motion. I state again, it is the outcome of the appeal to the Federal Circuit that can propel the PPS to great heights -- not new business prospects. As they say, in my humble opinion.


06/03/18 1:04 PM

#51355 RE: RussTheBus #51353

I don’t see anyone tapping themselves on the back Harry style here. No one is say: look everybody, I was right, I did call this first, it was my call.

I just see someone who is giving their hones opinion as ever. Sometimes liked, sometimes not. There have been many times where Nobody1237 warned about the risks of GERS, and also about BTZO.

Now it seems that btzo might have been the wrong hore, it is suddenly tapping yourself on the back, when you give the sane arguments you always did? And when there still was a chance you where wrong, these arguments where all a lie? When price moved up and people where cheering, nobody was allowed to say it was a pump because you where killing the hype, and now things seem to collapse, it is wrong and called back tapping?